PhD studentships
We are no longer recruiting students for this CDT but our follow-on CDT in Accelerated Medicines Design & Development is currently recruiting for next academic year’s intake. Full details can be found at
We give our students a great start to their careers as leaders in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry by providing the following:
- Access to strong collaborations with industry
- Collaborations with multiple institutions
- Access to integrated research training programmes
- Participation in the design and development of their PhD research project
- Becoming part of highly competitive and prestigious research groups
Our programme
We accept a total of 15 students each year; 6 at UoN and UCL and 3 at SSPC. Whilst all students complete core training modules, there are differences between the UoN/UCL and SSPC pathways.
Students at UCL and UoN undertake a 3-month reseach project and a 3-month industry placement in Year 1 whereas those at SSPC embark on their PhD project immediately at the start of Year 1.
All students have access to the same high quality training and networking opportunities throughout their 4-years of study.