About the Centre

Our partnership
The CDT is a partnership between the University of Nottingham, University College London (UCL), and the Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC) in Ireland. It builds on our highly successful previous CDTs in Targeted Therapeutics, and Advanced Therapeutics & Nanomedicines.
What we can offer
Up to 15 fully-funded PhD studentships per year in the EPSRC-SFI Centre for Doctoral Training in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies
How to apply
Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Council, Science Foundation Ireland and a total of 19 industry partners, we provide world-leading training to prepare inspired and strategic-thinking scientists ready for high achieving careers in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. Students on the CDT develop exceptionally high-level scientific skills through a cutting-edge PhD research project, in addition to honing their transferrable, innovation and critical skills via mini-projects and an integrated university-industry training programme.
Our mission
Our mission is to educate 75 PhD graduates who will transform medicines design of the 21st century. Our graduates will be leaders of medicines research and development in the UK and Ireland pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. They will have unique knowledge and skill-set to take active molecules from drug discovery and design technologies to transform these molecules in medicines to treat patients.
Our students will:
- have bespoke and individualised training in pharmaceutical product design and development, urgently needed to take active molecules with increasing complexity and formulate them into medical product
- they will be trained in an open collaboration between industry and academia in the UK and Ireland, and will develop translational knowledge and skills to be drivers of change
- they will develop unique knowledge across biology, chemistry, physics and engineering and skills sets vital to lead world leading research in development of medical products - and so transform patient therapy.
Our Expertise
The Schools of Pharmacy at Nottingham and UCL leading this Centre, are the highest-rated in the UK in Pharmacy in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment and have a complementary expertise base that spans across the pharmaceutical sciences. More than 100 academic and 40 industry scientists will be leading PhD projects at University of Nottingham, UCL and Trinity College Dublin CD to successful completion, giving our students the skills to transform academic and industrial pharmaceutical sciences research over the next generation.